Rare Bird

Thanks to the clients of Kunstexpress for making this beautiful bird. Kunstexpress is a studio of Humanitas DMH in Barendrecht, the Netherlands where people with intellectual disabilities work and make the most beautiful gifts.

Rare Bird (rara avis*)

Hi. I am authenktic and I am a rare bird.

  • I write my name without a capital letter, without prestige, without ego.
  • I have not one, but two pseudonyms (authenktic and Henk Verhulst).
  • I show that the art of pulsing is not just reserved for computers.
  • In terms of creativity, I will always win of AI.
  • I am not participating in the rat race (SEO) to be at the top of Google search results. I am satisfied with the position Google gives me.
  • My bright spots are often invisible, inconspicuous and unnoticed. Seemingly useless and meaningless. But nothing is less true.
  • Finally, my work has multiple layers and is a bit mysterious here and there. That’s fine. Not all secrets need to be unraveled. After all, that detracts from the experience.

* Latin: rara avis. English: rare bird. “Rara avis in terris, nigroque simillima cygno.” | “A bird as rare upon the earth, as a black swan.” – Juvenal, Roman poet (60-133/140).

Easter Egg

This rare bird also lays its egg. I have hidden an abnormality, breaking point, contradiction, dissonant, error, failure, gap, hiatus, illusion, joke, kink, lapsus, mistake, negligence, omission, problem, quest, rarity, stupidity, turning point, unwiseness, void, weakness, xxx, yo-yo or zigzag in every series.

Whoever finds all seven – I am authenktic and I am so egg-cited – can submit the solution. If you get all seven correct, you will receive from me … a very special egg.