
Who do you give your heart to?

Feel free to start pulsing yourself as well. Follow your heart. Be authentic. Create your own bright spots and spread your own small moments of happiness. Join in and be part of a small, modest and a little bit quirky movement.

Make meaningful moments and help to make the world a little more beautiful.

Participate in three simple steps

  1. Be inspired by my series and feel the heartbeat. If you wish, leave a comment in the Guestbook.
  2. Follow your heart and think of something small, something kind, for yourself or for someone else. Something that costs you nothing, but has a major effect on you and someone else.
  3. Just start and try … And if you fall, get up and just keep going, because you know you are on the right track.

Beautiful examples

Inspire others and show your bright spots on this website. Beautiful and sincere examples are given a place on this website.

I am curious about your way of pulsing and cordially invite you to contact me.